Ny, Peklabog, Nija, Nyja, Pekla, Pekelnybog, Pekollo, Pekollos, Pikollos, Peklos, Poklos, Peklo, Pieklo, Pekelle,
Pikiello, Patello, Patelo, Patala, Peklenc, Pekelnik, Pekelnipan, Lokton Ny is the god of the underworld who acts as psychopomp, that is to say the guide of the souls into the underworld.
He is associated with subterranean fire and water, snakes and earthquakes. Peklabog or Pekelnybog is another name of the god of the underworld. Etymologically, the word peklo means "pitch". Animals; snakes, boar Elements; fire, water |
Dragon-slayer AND God of the blacksmiths
Swarog, Jarog,Rarog, Tvarog, Svarogu, Shafarjk,
Schwayxtix, Swayxtix, Swetich, Swieticz, Zwaigzdze Svarog literally means "Heaven" He is associated with military, smithery, and with fire, the household and that of the sun. The root of the name is *swer ("to speak"), related to *wer ("to close", "defend", "protect"). Jarogand Rarog are alterations of the name, the second applied to a bird god. Indeed, Svarog is considered able to manifest as wind, birds or other animals, and have the role of the dragon-slayer in mythology. He is the power which makes bright and virile.
Animals; Birds, eagle and other animals
Symbols; Hammer, weapons Elements; Fire, air |
Ognebog, Ogne, Ogni, Ognevik, Svarogitch, Svarojitch,
Svarazhich, Svarozhyn, Tvarozhich God of fire
Ognebog literally means "Fire God", personification of the both the celestial and terrestrial fire, and of the sacrificial flame, considered as the energy. Svarozhich, literally meaning "Son of Heaven" is always identified as the god of fire, and was the tutelary deity.
Element; Fire Animals; Fire bird(like phoenix), fire bull and fire horse Symbols; Fire, sword, shield |
Simargl, Pereplut, Semargl, Simarg, Simarigl,
Simariglu, Sinnargual, Simnarguel God of fortune, alcohol, abundance, and vegetation
God of sailors & God of fire and the hearth
Chimerical or draconian figure. He may be a god of fortune and drinking, abundance and vegetation, or more commonly a tutelary deity of sailors.
Depicted as a winged lion or dog. He was represented as a griffin with a dogs body. Element; water, fire Symbols; wings Animals; Dog, lion, Dragon |
Strybog, Strzybog, Stribogu
God and spirit of the winds, sky and air.
Stribog literally means "Wealth Spreader", and he is the god of winds and storms. Stri is the imperative mood of the Slavic root *sterti, from the root *ster, which means "to stretch", "spread", "widen", "scatter".
He is said to be the ancestor of the winds of the eight directions. Element; Air
Symbols; Whip, trumpet Animals; Eagle |