Sacred Animals; |
Svete živali; |
Squirrel, The Hedgehog, Beetle
Veverica, Jež, Hrošč
SQUIRREL - Master of the tree climber and jumper. Take care of your health, especially the teeth. Action, Balance, Energy, Planning, Life, Playful, Humor,
Socializing, Gathering, Preparation, Work-life balance, Messenger, Caretaker. |
THE HEDGEHOG cute but beware ... Curiosity, Defense, Energy, Intelligence,
Intuition, Misunderstanding, ingenuity, weather forecaster, Vitality, Wisdom, immune system, calmness, intuitive and curious, productivity. |
THE HEDGEHOG - Erinaceinae
JEŽ je prisrčen, a pozor ... Radovednost, obramba, energija, inteligenca, intuicija, Nesporazum, iznajdljivost, napovednik vremena, Vitalnost, modrost, imunski sistem, umirjenost, intuitiven in radoveden, produktivnost. |
BEETLE - Many shapes and colors, beauty shining of the day. Power of the Sun. Moving Forward, Stillness , Fertility,
Physical Strength, Power, Cleansing, Responsibility, Recurrence, Reason, Uprising, Stay on track, Understanding, Wisdom, Restoration, Modification, Lucky charm, Intelligence, Order out of chaos, Family, Methodical. |
BEETLE - Cetonia aurata
HROŠČ - Veliko oblik in barv, lepota, sijaj dneva. Moč sonca. Premikanje naprej, tišina, plodnost, telesna moč Moč, čiščenje, odgovornost, ponovitev, razlog, Vstaja, ostanite na pravi poti, Razumevanje, Modrost, Obnova, Spreminjanje, Srečni šarm, inteligenca, red iz kaosa, družina, Metodično. |