KING (MASTER) OF THE FOREST- Lord of the Wolves
Veless, Weless, Voloss, Woloss, Woles, Wlacie, Wel, Walgino, Skotibog, Skotybog, Zembog
God of earth, water and the underworld also ...
Veles or Volos is a Slavic God of underground,
cattle, wealth, war and magic. Also poetry and of wild animals, sight and god of commerce. "Horned God" . Symbol/Animals: wolf, bull, vol, black rooster, snake, horns, bear, cattle, bear
Direction of the sky: west
Season: autumn
Residences: The underworld - the place of the dead
Element; Earth
Perun is the highest god in Slavic mythology.
God of thunder and lightning, oaths, war, spring and fertility. Also the God of rain and agriculture in general.
Parun, Peron, Porun, Piorun, Peraun, Parom, Perusan, Prone, Prohn, Pyron, Perone, Peryn, Perin, Prono, Percunust
Perun literally means "Thunder" but also "Oak" ... Perun is the personification of the active, masculine force of nature ...
Symbol: lightning, oak, thunderbolts, Iris and axe. Also eagle and horses.
Direction of the sky: east
Season: spring, summer Day: Thursday
Weapons: axe, bat stick(short stick with thickened end), lightning, sword
Mountain: World Mountain
Bog pomladi, spolnosti in plodnosti, pa tudi miru Gerovit, Yarylo, Jarilo, Jarylo, Jaryla, Gerowit, Gierovit, Yarovit, Jarovit, Jarowit, Jerowit, Dzarowit, Harovit, Harowit, Herovit, Harevit
Bog pomladi, plodnosti in božanstvo vojne in pastir.
"Močni/srdljivi Gospod" ali "Svetel gospod" bojevniški bog Predstavlja zahod in pomlad, oba predstavljata mladost, smrt in vstajenje. Pod imenom Myesyats ("Mesec") je Yarilo identificiran kot lunin bog, ki je povezan tudi s soncem. Simbol: volk, rastlinje, beli konj Sezona: pomlad Orožje: ščit |
God of spring, sexuality and fertility, and also of peace Gerovit, Yarylo, Jarilo, Jarylo, Jaryla, Gerowit, Gierovit, Yarovit, Jarovit, Jarowit, Jerowit, Dzarowit, Harovit, Harowit, Herovit, Harevit
God of spring, fertility and deity of war and shepherd.
"Strong/Wroth Lord" or "Bright Lord" warrior god He represents west and spring, both representing youth, death and resurrection. Under the name Myesyats ("Moon"), Yarilo is identified as the moon god which have also conection to the sun.
Symbol: wolf, vegetation, white horse
Season: spring
Weapons: shield
Gospodar vode, zemlje in zraka.
Triglov, Triglaf, Triglau, Tryglav,Tryglaw, Tribog,
Trojan Triglav je ime triglavega slovanskega božanstva.
Triglav dobesedno pomeni "Triglavi". Koncept predstavlja tri, ki poosebljajo tri svetove (Prav-Yav-Nav) ali nebesa, zemljo in podzemlje ter suverenost nad tremi elementi zraka, vode in zemlje. Triglav so častili od Slovenije navzgor. To Slovence sodi med zahodno skupino Slovanov.
Bog vojne, vladar nad nebom, zemljo, podzemljem in budnostjo.
Triglav predstavlja tudi združitev treh dimenzij časa: preteklosti, sedanjosti in prihodnosti kot celote. Simbol: črni konj, sulica, koza in zlato
Orožje: sulica element; Zemlja, voda in zrak |
The master of water, earth and air.
Triglov, Triglaf, Triglau, Tryglav,Tryglaw, Tribog,
Trojan Triglav is the name of a three-headed Slavic deity.
Triglav literally means "Three-Headed". The concept represents three who personify the three worlds (Prav-Yav-Nav), or Heaven, earth and the underworld and sovereignty over the three elements of air, water and soil. Triglav was worshiped from Slovenia upwards. This Slovenians ranks among the western group of Slavs.
God of war, ruler over the sky, the earth, underworld and vigilance.
Triglav also represents the union of the three dimensions of time: past, present and future as a whole.
Symbol: black horse, spear, goat and gold
Weapons: spear
Element; Earth, water and air
Najvišji bog vojne
Svetovid(tudi Sventevith, Suvid, Svantevit, Svantovit, Swantovít, Sventovit, Zvantevith, Świętowit,
Sutvid) Svetovid in Triglav nista isti Bog. Triglav ima tri glave Svetovid ima štiri.
Bog vojne, prerokbe, žetve, plodnosti in komercialnih (trgovinskih) misij.
Simbol: pivski rog, beli konj (konji), meč, lok
Smer neba: štiri smeri neba Planet; Mars |
The supreme war God
Svetovid(also Sventevith, Suvid, Svantevit, Svantovit, Swantovít, Sventovit, Zvantevith, Świętowit, Sutvid)
Svetovid and Triglav are not the same God. Triglav have three head Svetovid have four.
The god of war, prophecy, harvest, fertility and commercial(trade) missions.
Symbol: beer horn, white horse(horses), sword, bow
Direction of the sky: four directions of the sky
Planet; Mars
The Slavic God of Cosmos and Creator of The Universe
Supreme god and creator of all ...
Deivos, Rid, Rodu, Hrodo, Chrodo, Crodo, Krodo,
Crodone, Sud, Prabog, Praboh Absolute, primordial God of the universe. Supreme creator of all things and power. Rod as the "general power of birth and reproduction".The root *rod means "birth", "origin", "kinship", "tribe" and "destiny". Sud, literally "Judge", is a name for the supreme God. Prabog is another name for the same concept, and literally means "Pre-God", "First-God", and "Primordial God".
Rod is a common Slavic god who created life and existence alone.
Rod governing the four elements: He stands on a fish, symbol of water; with one hand he heightens a wheel, symbol of the sun and of the cycles of the universe; with the other hand he holds a bucket of flowers, symbol of the blooming earth; and around his waist he has a fluttering linen belt, symbol of air.
Symbol: book, tree, fish, sun
Element; Earth, water
Slovanski bog sonca - Bog zimskega sonca
Veliki bog sončnega diska.
Hors se podnevi premika po nebu, ponoči pa pod zemljo. Sveta "pot konja"."Jahanje konj". simbol; Sonce, disk, ples, konj
element; ogenj Sezona: zima Bivališče; nebo Povezan z zdravljenjem in okrevanjem po bolezni.
Slavic sun god- God of the winter sun
Great God of the solar disk.
Hors is moving across the sky during the day, and under the ground — at night. The sacred «way of Hors».«Riding of Hors».
Symbol; Sun, disk, dance, horse
Element; Fire
Season: winter
Abode; sky
Associated with healing and recovery from illness.
Mojster mrzlega mraza
Known as Grandpa frost, Djed Frost, Dedek Mraz or Ded Moros
Bog blaginje in rodovitnosti zemlje.
Danes Ded Moros ne prejema le pisem in obdaruje, ampak tudi pomaga pri soočanju s silami zla. Moros je junak in ljubljen. Postal je pravi junak v najtemnejših urah zla, ki je vdrlo v deželo.
simbol; Jelen, volk, sani
element; led, sneg, zrak Sezona; zimski mraz |
Master of a chilly cold
Known as Grandpa frost, Djed Frost, Dedek Mraz or Ded Moros
God of prosperity and fertility of the land.
Today Ded Moros not only receives letters and gives presents but also help to cope with the forces of evil. Moros is a hero and loved. He became a true hero in the darkest hours of the evil which invaded the land.
Symbol; Deer, wolf, sleigh
Element; ice, snow, air
Season; winter cold